Personalized visitor badge for your company

Make a good impression on your visitors by giving them personalized guest badges with your company branding and colors. You can ensure the security of your premises by identifying each person immediately upon arrival using their visitor badge.

Badgy allows you to create and individually print visitor badges with a professional look in just a few clicks.

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Personalization of a visitor's badge during a company meeting

Create your own company visitor badges on demand in just a few seconds

Ensure that entry to your premises is secure with a visitor access badge

While creating an employee badge seems like a no-brainer for most companies, issuing a badge for occasional visitors may seem less obvious. However, keeping your premises secure means identifying every person on site so that everyone will know at a glance who is authorized to be there. Printed instantly at the entrance, the visitor access badge is given directly to the guest before they enter the room or location set aside for their appointment.

Visitor's badges in a round of shots during a company meeting

Each company visitor badge can be personalized with:

  • first and last name
  • visitor’s company
  • the employee receiving the visitor
  • the date and time of their authorized visit
  • if necessary, a QR code or a barcode to be scanned during access checks

The Badgy solution provides professional-looking visitor badges that are difficult to forge, for even greater security.

With visitor badges, your employees can visually identify external visitors and welcome them. Finally, issuing visitor access badges is appropriate for many organizations: companies, schools, healthcare establishments, local government, etc.

Make a good impression when welcoming visitors to your company with personalized, branded access badges

The brand image of your organization is reflected on all the media that you provide to both your internal and external contacts. When visitors come to your premises, their first impression will be based on the quality of the welcome they receive on their arrival. Printing a personalized visitor badge and giving it to the visitor instantly is an excellent way to make a good impression. With a high-quality guest badge, you demonstrate that:

  • your company knows how to be efficient and doesn’t make visitors wait when they arrive
  • you are professional from the moment visitors enter your organization, with a visitor badge in your company colors
  • you pay particular attention to each visitor with a personalized welcome

The Badgy visitor badge printer offers you total independence to issue your own cards. It is compact and can be adapted to all working environments, even the smallest of spaces. Finally, you don’t need to be an expert to create badges that reflect your organization’s image. Whether for a company, a local government office, or a school, Badgy’s template library offers you several visitor badge templates adapted to your needs. You can download them for free and personalize them with just a few clicks using the Evolis Badge Studio software included in our solution.

Why not opt for paper visitor badges for your company's reception area?

Badgy paper cards: the alternative to PVC badges

Did you know that Badgy is also a printing solution for paper cards? This gives you the possibility to choose between printing your company badges on plastic or on paper, depending on their use! For short-lived visitor badges, thick cellulose fiber paper cards may suffice.
Professionally printed in black monochrome and fully customizable, you choose an alternative with a reduced environmental impact. Once your visitor has left, you can recover the paper visitor badge and recycle it!

Paper or plastic visitor badge? The choice is yours!

An all-in-one solution for printing your own cards

Badgy - Solution tout-en-un - Logiciel
Intuitive software for creating and personalizing badges: Evolis Badge Studio in Standard or Plus versions.
Badgy solution package including: software, printer, consumables
2 solutions: Badgy100 and Badgy200. Each solution includes a card printer and a consumables pack: ribbon, blank PVC cards, and a cleaning card.
An online template library offering customizable card templates to download for free.
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